We, the Lay and Clergy Leadership of Klein UMC, wish to affirm the following:
We reaffirm the mission and vision of Klein UMC to be a warm and welcoming community where everyone feels valued.
We affirm our intent to be a faith community where “Strangers become Friends, and Friends become Family.”
We also affirm our conviction to remain members of the United Methodist Church. And in that light, we affirm that our Theology, Polity, and Doctrine will remain the same.
We affirm that Scripture is our primary source of Authority.
We affirm the divinity of Jesus.
We affirm the bodily resurrection of Jesus.
We affirm the Lord’s Prayer and our historic Christian Creeds.
If there are questions or concerns that any of you may have, please reach out to any of us. We would love to be able to talk with you.
- The Lay and Clergy Leadership of Klein UMC
Cynthia Fierro Harvey
Meet our Bishop
Cynthia Fierro Harvey serves as bishop of the Texas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, having been assigned there in November of 2022. The Texas Annual Conference is composed of 304 congregations and represents a region encompassing Galveston, Houston, College Station, Beaumont Texarkana, Longview, Tyler and towns in between.
Under Bishop Harvey’s leadership, the Texas Annual Conference follows a mission to equip congregations to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world to the glory of God and holds a vision of vibrant, growing congregations changing lives and reshaping futures for Jesus Christ. The Conference is driven by the core values of radical hospitality, passionate worship, faith-forming relationships, risk-taking mission, extravagant generosity, connectional ministry, fervent prayer and diligent study of scripture.
Bishop Harvey challenges faith communities to look beyond themselves and to keep an eye focused on the edge where God is at work. She also has a passion for young people as they lead the church into a future filled with possibilities.
